This is the 'original' Psalm 16 carving, done in 1977 in red oak for the 40th anniversary of Vincent and Verna Meyer, my in-laws. The oak was salvaged from discarded pallets and glued up into a panel 24" x 36". The first design was pretty much unreadable, so I chiseled out the circular text and re-did it with incised text in the modified-Bremen font. Sanded and re-oiled, it came out OK.
24" x 36" red oak
Collection of M. Sheie, 2020
16"x24", black walnut with brass
Collection of M. Sheie, 2018
Mary has long waited for some edition of this verse, which was originally used on the headstone of her paternal grandfather, a pastor from Sheboygan, WI. Long discussion about the use of the text, and since the headstone used the more archaic form, I went with that here also. It uses three votives with brass accents. Somehow I always love the moment when I rub in oil after the carving is done, and the wood 'lights up', revealing the beautiful patterns of the grain. In this case, it leads you from left to right, to the conclusion of the verse..
Collection of M. Sheie, 2018
Mary has long waited for some edition of this verse, which was originally used on the headstone of her paternal grandfather, a pastor from Sheboygan, WI. Long discussion about the use of the text, and since the headstone used the more archaic form, I went with that here also. It uses three votives with brass accents. Somehow I always love the moment when I rub in oil after the carving is done, and the wood 'lights up', revealing the beautiful patterns of the grain. In this case, it leads you from left to right, to the conclusion of the verse..
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