Advent Chancel Screen
Arnold Flaten, 1970Northfield MN
in collection of Central Lutheran Church
Minneapolis MN
stained laminated red oak, brass, gold accents
approx. 60" x 120", hinged
This is a sacred object for me, a touchstone, a holy relic. I had the chance to watch Arnold working on this large oak piece for an afternoon during my sophomore year at St. Olaf, and it was a turning point, a watershed moment... why, I want to do this.. Could I do this? I thought... Growing up with a grandfather who made skis in a shop filled with hickory and ash, just the smell of wood was nostalgic and exciting. The demands of Dorothy Divers at St. Olaf in graphic design also gave me some sense of balance and layout, and combine that with the love of wood--I guess that's where it began and why it continues.
Central Lutheran had this piece hanging outside their sanctuary wall, and every time I was there, I would close my eyes and run my fingers over the lettering, thinking of how it was done, by whom, and offer up a grateful prayer of thanks for that opportunity that affected my future skills and interests. I didn't take off my shoes, but I sure did feel like I was on holy ground.
Thank you, Arnold.
Thank you, Dorothy.
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