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There is no space for fear

There is no space for fear.. 2021, 15", oiled walnut and brass collection of M. Sheie, Portland OR A gift for my brother Steve, facing significant health challenges that ultimately took him.  He was craftsman with high standards, varied interests, and a deep love for others. There is something special about the grain and color of walnut that makes it deep and rich, and the contrast with the polished brass is striking. " There is no space for fear "  I think it's from a text in a Rene Clausen choral work.. I'll find it here somewhere.. where did I put that?  Choral geeks--help!  
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  Ojibwe Prayer 2022 Oiled white birch, 36"x36"x2" in the collection of S. Gens, Hudson WI An Ojibwe prayer, used by Minnesota author William Kent Krueger in his writings.  The decision was made to use the phonetic spelling for the final benediction at the bottom right of the panel. The three icons represent the eagle feather, the spruce tree and the two acorns
  Lord, You Have Called Your Servants (3rd Ed.) 2018 Oiled white birch, 50"x36"x2" Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis MN Originally this edition was done for the National Lutheran Choir, and was displayed at various concert venues.  As a consequence of the 2021-2022 pandemic years, the panel didn't move much, since 'in-person' concerts by the choir were suspended.  As a result, this version of 'Servants' was placed in its permanent home at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church on Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis.

The Gift Box

The Gift Box II 2022, commissioned by L. Holmen, Cold Spring MN  oiled walnut, 15"x6"x6" Not a jewelry box, but more a place for those special cards or letters from a loved one that you keep for years..  Given to a granddaughter, to celebrate her confession of faith. "Be strong and courageous Do not be frightened or dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."

Servants, 2nd ed.

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The Beatitudes

  The Beatitudes 2020 Minnesota walnut, series of seven panels each 48"x36", 1.5"thick Memorial commissioned for Marion Sheie at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Portland OR After the passing of a dear aunt, Marion Sheie, I entered the new narthex of her church, St. Luke Lutheran in Portland, Oregon.  Just above the entrance doors of the sanctuary was a huge--blank--triangular wall that called for something to fill it.  After much deliberation with cousins and in turn, their deliberation with church leadership, I submitted a proposal for a series of seven carvings focused on the Beatitudes from the book of Luke.  This made a lot of sense in that St. Luke in Portland has a strong sense of social justice, and the texts will withstand the test of time. At left is the back of the third carving, showing a picture of Marion and Ernie Sheie as well as my normal 'signature' for my work. Late in 2020 I was able to deliver the finished work to Portland and begin the installation....

Shelley: To a Skylark

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Non Moriar

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The Kingdom & I Have Come

For the Kingdom &  I Have Come 12"x24"x2" cherry 1999, collections of J. Horn and R. Groehler This was one of two works that I lost track of.. the influence of Flaten should be obvious. In 2020, I found two photos in our files that began a search for the whereabout of these carvings.  There's a long and emotional story behind them that involves St. Olaf College music, and suffice it to say that we were visited by two angels who provided something surprising, generous, and unexpected.  In deepest gratitude,  these two pieces were given to the individuals as a gift of thanks.

In Pleasant Places

In Pleasant Places Red oak, 24"x36"x2"   1977 and 2020 Originally done in 1977 for the 40th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Meyer of Sheboygan, WI Retaining the original design, the piece was redone in 2020, updating the circular text for readability and refinishing the oiled oak. The text is from Psalm 16, taken from the headstone of Rev. Gustav Meyer, Vincent's father, in the Sheboygan Lutheran cemetery.   

The Gift Box

The Gift Box I 2005  walnut, 18" tall, 9" each side     unknown location (K. Arneson?) Heavy walnut box highlighting the gifts of the Spirit, with supporting texts on each side.. this is an example of where the woodgrain becomes part of the design, supporting and highlighting the texts.

The Viola Studio

The Viola Studio            2001, maple 24"x 4"  collection of Eva Sheie Kiser Sometimes just for fun, I'll try something different.  For daughter and musician Eva, this was just to see if we could create a relief image of the viola, the music of which I have come to love through her.  It was challenging to cut away the background with a textured effect to highlight the instrument.